How to look after your teeth

While we all know that you need to look after your teeth for a beautiful smile, fresh breath and healthy teeth, not everyone knows that dental health affects overall health. Dental problems have been linked to a number of health concerns, from gum disease to more serious chronic illnesses. Poor dental health can also be symptomatic of underlying health problems. Health teeth are therefore important for reasons that go far beyond appearances.

The first step to look after your teeth is to develop a healthy dental hygiene routine. In this mini guide, we offer some tips on how to maintain a regular dental care routine.

Essential Dental Hygiene Tips

Some important things to keep in mind for optimal dental health include the following:

Brush twice a day. Whether you use an electric toothbrush or a good old fashioned soft bristled brush, you should aim to brush every morning and every night. Knowing how to brush is also important. Holding the brush at a 45 degree angle, you will need to move up and down and side to side. The outside and inside of your teeth need to be brushed, while your tongue and the roof of your mouth should be scraped as well. Use a good toothpaste and make sure to replace your toothbrush at least three or four times a year.

Floss daily. Flossing is very important as it captures tiny food particles that your toothbrush cannot reach. The hard to reach places between the teeth can be a breeding ground for bacteria if these particles are not removed. Be careful when flossing – you don’t want to make your gums bleed but you do want to gentle remove build-up carefully and thoroughly. You can floss before or after brushing. Follow this up with some mouthwash to finish off your brushing and flossing routine.

Get your teeth cleaned routinely. Once a year or every six months, book an appointment at your dentist for professional dental cleaning. This is one of the best ways to not only ensure that your teeth are cleaned by an oral hygiene specialist – it’s also a good way to ensure that smaller problems don’t get missed. A check up and clean is therefore always recommended at least every year.

Go easy on the nicotine, alcohol, sugar and caffeine. All of these things will damage tooth enamel over time. Your teeth will lose their whiteness and they will be more susceptible to cavities, sensitivity and other problems. If you are unable to cut these things out of your lifestyle, try to limit intake as best you can or at the very least, schedule bi-annual check-ups with your dentists to prevent serious damage.

Catch small problems before they become big problems. Another reason that regular check-ups are essential is that they prevent small problems from growing. It is far easier to fix a small cavity than replace an entire tooth. If you look after your teeth, look out for signs that something is not right and keep up with routine appointments, you will be able to save your teeth from serious damage. As the old saying goes, prevention is always better than cure!

Gateway Dental is an experienced dental practice in Durban with over 12 years of experience. To book an appointment or learn more about our dental hygiene treatments, contact us today.